Legendary Devlog #6

On this last day of winter, there’s nothing much to brag about in counts of labors these past few weeks. But one can try.

Overall, a lot of small things were done, mostly polishing barely noticeable edges of the graphics.

Tweaked some winter season tilesets, added snow on some stuff. Here’s a gif where you can’t really see a difference without knowing how it looked before.

Expanded tribal interior graphics with some new stuff.

Biggest thing going on right now is the cave system. Lots of planning and laying out involved. Finishing up two graphic types for smaller, upper caves and deeper underground cavers. Also about midway in making a lava cave graphics style.

There’s a long list of other very small tweaks here and there for graphics, but nothing to brag about.

Springtime hopefully will involve more and more gameplay work.

Last week I began making some sky backgrounds. After that I’ll be going for some background mountains, mists. Already have the Moon in all its forms.

Current bigplan is to finish up the whole Tribal world around summer and release it as a second demo by fall.

And also a while ago I made a ledge jump mechanic. It was harder to do than you’d think. Players can jump off of ledges anytime, but to jump up you’ll need a special item or ability or something.

There are also smaller and greater gaps across the world that Players can jump over too. Smaller gaps are also jumpable at any time, though the big gaps will also need some buff or another.

As said, it ain’t much, but the work is steadily moving forward and that is a good thing.

‘Till next time.



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